Infinity Investing
How to Make Money & Save the World
Invest for Real Impact Even if You Don’t Have $1M
Saturday, March 19, 2022
9 am to 4 pm PT | 12 pm to 7 pm ET
Earn 2-3 Times More Profit than Traditional Real Estate Rentals
Want to reach the next level in your real estate investing? Stop thinking about more properties.
Thinking about real estate as solely a property owning business dramatically limits your growth.
When you forget about the properties, profits, and markets, something strange happens– you’ll profit way more.
This untapped market has huge potential, yet only non-investors and non-profits seem to be paying attention to it. This raised the question:
Can you help others and build an appreciating real estate portfolio?
And the answer is YES!
One shared housing property, on average, earns us 2-3 times more than a traditional rental and it serves those in need.
Join us for this Infinity Event, and learn powerful ways to use a single-family residence for a shared home, and earn more doing it!
Sign Up Now!

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I Signed Up & Success Followed! If you haven’t heard of Shared Housing, listen to this…
Becky W.
Achieve double or even triple your returns paid by agencies and the government without complicated paperwork.
Frank & Sherri are the world’s best educators on this hot topic
Each year, the federal government spends billions of dollars on housing for people in need. The government requires those who house them to practice national standards. We teach you how to implement these standards.
Join us and others who are changing the world through shared housing!
Frank and Sherri have discovered and perfected a proven formula
Using the Shared Housing formula, you’ll know exactly how to start your own shared housing that will bring in a nice income and help those in need.
You’ll learn how to attract respectful and appreciative residents that will pay more because of the opportunity that Shared Housing provides for them.
Who do you help with these homes?
You can use your Shared Housing homes to provide quality homes for:
- Seniors in golden girl and golden boy homes
- Disabled veterans who need a home
- Men and women with justice issues
- People in recovery of all kinds
- Foster kids or special needs adults
- Short Term rentals like Airbnb
- Student housing
- Adult children with Neurodiversity challenges

Discover why Shared Housing is the BEST REAL ESTATE Investment for years to come!
- Can I use the home I have now for shared housing?
- How much more revenue can I make with it instead of a regular rental?
- If I have a family member that needs help, can I use it for them?
- Does the government pay for shared housing?
- Can I lease my home and get DOUBLE the rent?
Get the answers to these questions and many more by signing up for this unique event. Space is limited, so sign up now.
Here’s What You Will Discover at This Event

- How Fair Housing laws benefit landlords who want to provide shared housing
- Good Neighbor policies that make you respected in the community
- How to acquire desirable homes, in appreciating neighborhoods with curb appeal AND have it paid for by others
- The basics of the medications that your clients use so YOU can get paid by insurance and contracts
- National accreditation standards so that you are first in line for state and federal funds.
- How a 501C3 opens doors for homes and contracts as well as a host of benefits

PLUS, so much more on how Shared Housing is one of the best investments you can make!
5 ways to take advantage of the NARR certification to help vulnerable Americans and make money at the same time

2. You can create a 501C3 non-profit to hold the income from a contract for a NARR certified home. Most contracts are in the name of the non-profit to provide a program of recovery. Most non-profits who provide funding seem to prefer to give funds to another non-profit. You can have a passive investor provide the home
3. You can become a housing provider in a home that is a single-family rental, if the home has the right parameters for shared, transitional housing. In this model, you either self-manage, or have a house leader.
4. You can purchase a home that is currently a non-certified sober home, have it certified and obtain the higher priced contracts and fees that are only available to certified homes.
5. An investor can provide the home for a higher rate of return and reap the benefits of a passive income.

Frank and Sherri Candelario, Ph.D. had a dream of ending housing insecurity for the vulnerable. They realized that the private sector can buy real estate and have the house payments made by state and federal dollars.
By placing men and women in great neighborhoods, they created a paradigm shift on how to change the trajectory of an individual’s life story.
Sherri Candelario, Ph.D. received her degree from University of Washington Medical School and authored several pioneering research papers on how opioids work in the brain. She is the founding patent counsel for numerous biotech companies that have gone public.
Frank Candelario had a long career in international marketing and branding. He is a real estate broker and investor. Together they use housing to change lives.
In 2015, the Candelarios saw the need to set a national standard for sober homes. They saw first-hand how a lack of standards and substandard housing providers harmed people in recovery. Unregulated sober homes have been around for 50 years. They said “we can do better”.
Frank and Sherri own several million dollars of single-family homes in Seattle where they have housed more than 500 people over the past six years as founders of Kate’s House Foundation. (
How to obtain NARR certification and set your properties apart from other rentals
1. The National Alliance of Recovery Residences ( was formed to provide standards for shared transitional sober recovery housing. This model may apply to any type of shared housing including vets housing, disadvantaged women, justice involved and foster kids aging out of the system.
2. NARR provides standards for operations, physical environment, space for recovery and the concept of being a “good neighbor” The roadmap for housing for a positive shared housing experience for the residents provides the investor with housing that requires little oversight.
3. Thirty-four states have adopted or are finalizing the adoption of NARR standards. The other states are following as certification is a requirement for obtaining state and federal funds, having Fair Housing protections as well as protections from tenants and eviction moratoriums.
4. NARR is like a good housekeeping seal of approval for shared housing.
5. The process of certification involves identifying your mission and vision and setting up the business side. This is similar to a 501C3.
6. Typically these homes are in a non-profit organization as a corporate business structure is required, a state license that is provided with the state filing of the non-profit. There are four types of homes, including Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) homes. In some states, allowing people to take prescribed drugs for their illness (MAT) is a requirement for state grants. This funding is substantial.
7. Once a home is NARR certified, it is registered in a national database. This registration puts a housing provider on the map for anyone who is interested in housing in the US. Large organizations, such as Betty Ford have contacted Kate’s House to provide a housing model because they found us online.
8. A NARR certified home will often become the home that easily obtains funds from the state and federal funds as well as local charities. The certification is a standard of excellence that provides the accountability funders need.

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March 19th